
HUDSON.TEL is an info dump. I learn things, and dump them here for future reference.

Hello there, I'm Connor Hudson, creator of hudson.tel.

I'm currently attending college, working towards a Bachelor's degree in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance.

I started learning how to program back in high school when I took 2 years of VB.NET classes. Using that knowledge, I began to make small programs and automations that would help me do things more efficiently. I picked up PowerShell scripting at my first job in order to deploy policies and achieve results that I could not achieve using things like Group Policy or Configuration Profiles. I started migrating existing operations from SCCM over to Intune, wrote scripts that would help automate migrating existing devices over to Intune, created dynamic groups and policies to organize the new devices, install drivers through Win32 apps, and even created an app that assists in the deployment of Win32 apps in Intune.

I'm applying what I learn while attending school to help make endpoints more secure, such as applying patches through powershell scripts in the background, or creating blocklists to stop sites from bombarding users with adware.

This site was created as a way to info dump things that I learn. If I ever want to remember how to dump files anywhere using Intune, or how to generate SSH keys on Windows so I can connect to my GitHub, I can come back to this site because I know that I have the info right here.

The site is still a bit barebones, but it achieves its purpose. A search bar is still in the works, and maybe one day it will arrive.

Until that day, enjoy your ☕.